Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting Geared Up for Summer

I've over-scheduled myself yet again, and must prune back some activities. Like most crafty people, I need the time to create. My whole life feels better balanced when I can paint, sew, and craft several times a week, particularly with the kids. Makes sense that such a creative God would give his children the desire to create also.

Sooo, in an attempt to boost my motivation and get in the crafting spirit, I've been looking back through some past projects:

The modge podged lamp

Painted Wooden Plates

Jean apron (tank top and shorts underneath!!)

My first etsy sale: the red swirly apron

Tutu/ Fairy skirts for my Girl

First acrylic painting on a book

Desk, Before
Desk, After Okay, I'm getting pumped!
PS I had started a separate art site, but decided that our lives are completely integrated with art, and to compartmentalize was futile. So, I've officially changed the name of this site to Living Creatively (former art site title.) You are still in the right place!


  1. LOVE that polka dot lamp!!!

  2. I had no idea you were so creative. Wendy, this is amazing... all of it.
