Friday, October 28, 2011

Paint Splotch Creatures

The brief tutorial for these pieces of art:
1) Splatter some paint, any kind, in any way. Let dry.
2) Use your imagination and a black pen.
The older three kiddos did this project yesterday afternoon, while my littlest guy painted happy faces. I particularly liked the elephant that my Oldest Boy did.

A green drippy blob...or an adorable long-beaked bird? It doesn't take much to transform the simplest shapes into cute creatures.

We spent some time painting this afternoon, too, but with no "direction." It was "free paint" time and they just went with whatever inspired them.

It's a great morning activity for my Little Guy, too, while the older kids do their seat work and computer work.

I also moved our green desk into the living room, behind the couch, so a kid can work there when he wants. It's close enough for help, but far enough for more quiet and less distraction. My Middlest Boy chose the spot today. That's all for now! Have a beautiful weekend.