Sunday, December 23, 2012

Colors of our Christmas

Yesterday we had the big hoopla Christmas celebration with Fred's dad and stepmom, and both sides of their families.
So many sweet people, smiling faces...
 Lovin' his plaid on plaid! :)

Ah, and this redheaded baby cousin in stripes. Too cute!!
 After the big meal, a group started playing basketball.
Me? I was so stuffed I could barely move around with the camera!

 Love these girls. My sweet pink plaid niece Caitlin and my yellow striped daughter.
They were born just 3 months apart.
 Then Fred's sisters and their families headed back to our polka dotted, bright home to open gifts with us.
Happy Time, y'all!!
I get to see these wonderful people fairly often, but it's still always a treat!

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