Thursday, August 9, 2007


What a wonderfully encouraging night! Sometimes I feel like I must be the only one homeschooling; the only one having struggles and preparing for another year; the only one who is thinking of expenses and scheduling and making learning FUN. Going to CHESS meetings reminds me that I'm not alone. There are LOTS of us. There are rewards for this awesome task.

Laura MacFarlan led us verse by verse through Matthew 6:30-44.
We gleaned from these verses what the "Woman of God" would do. I'm not going to remember this all correctly, and I'm sure I'll omit parts, but I'm going to write what I remember.

The woman of God confers with God about what she has done and taught. That isn't the wording that Laura used, but it's the same idea, based on the first verse!

The woman of God protects her bedtime!

The woman of God spends time alone with God.

The woman of God expects interruptions.

The woman of God loves and acts out of that love.

The woman of God looks at what she does have. Count your blessings!

The woman of God is organized.

The woman of God is thankful. She is satisfied.

The woman of God is blessed by her faithfulness.

The greater the task, the greater the reward.
It was very uplifting and encouraging to me. Sometimes we just need those reminders to rest and commune with God.

We also voted for board members, had refreshments, picked out scholastic books, and we each got gift sacks. Very cute items with meanings behind each thing:

Ocean Creature Bite-Size Crackers (like Goldfish) for our bread and fish story,

A Memo book and pen for writing down announcements and notes at MUMs meeting

Stickers to encourage our children

A candle to light when we're burning at both ends

Chocolate just because we need it!

Tea to relax, unwind, rest...

A red pen for grading those papers daily "before you check your email!"

Sticky notes for reminders

An eraser for all those times we mess up

Glue for holding it all together!

More chocolate, just because we need it!

A magnetic apple with the verse Isaiah 50:4 :
The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue,
to know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.

Lord, I pray for myself and each of these women. Please honor our desire to teach our children. Give us strength and wisdom through You, and help us to encourage one another. Amen.

Please pray for all of us. Good night.


  1. It is always nice to be around like-minded people who are going through the same life experiences as you are, isn't it? I often think that when we go the House Rabbit Rescue meetings.

    By the way, what are the words behind CHESS and MUM? I'd love to know!

  2. CHESS is Christian Home Educators of Siloam Springs

    MUMs is Moms Uplifting Moms

    House Rabbit Rescue Meetings? For real? ;-)

  3. For real. We meet every so often when issues arise for us to rescue abandoned, neglected, or abused bunnies.
