Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Me and the kids before church


  1. Don't my kids look just thrilled to do a quick photo shoot before church??
    Btw, my grandma (Mimi) made all of the adorable matching outfits! I LOVE 'em!

  2. I need to get out my sewing machine...after my other huge list of want to dos! You guys are looking snazzy! Was izzy at church last night? Gabby said she didn't see her.

  3. No, Suzie (can I call you that??), Izzy wasn't there. Oops. Forgot!

    Jules, I love the shirt, too. Thanks! :-) You're smaller than me, though, and those buttons kept wanting to pop open. Not good at church!

    Thanks, Brook. Fred has been trying to get me in more photos so I can really prove that I was a part of their childhood fun!!

  4. oops, didn't mean to be anonymous!

  5. One more thing: a friend of mine who saw the picture said it looked like my son was wearing pizza dough on his head! It really is a hat, but he did NOT put it on right. Oops. ;-)

  6. I love candid photos :o) and I have to say...I have three boys and a girl so it looks like us not to long ago :o)
    ~simply stork~
