Doesn't always work when others bring their cameras along, too.
Thanks, Jules. ;-)

Watch out, 'cause she'll knock you off your Lips throne.
Sorry, Fred.
(Barefoot and sleeveless... ;-) Heh heh heh)
Okay, so this may not be so thrilling to any of you guys, but I'm VERY thrilled.
First, moment of brilliance: An exercise bar. Okay, I've mentioned before that we like to be outside. We need sunshine, exercise, fresh air. And, because I really can't do anything about controlling the weather, I decided to at least control an atmosphere more conducive to exercise.
This way the little boys can hang, do pull-ups, dangle by their legs. All inside the house. More energy exerted at the bar means less energy exerted on the couches. RIGHT? (Yes, I am actually encouraging my children to climb the walls!!)
Plus, I mounted higher brackets near the top of the door frame, so the bar can be easily moved and I will also benefit from the exercise. YAY!
It works great! And, to be fair, I got this idea from my sister, who bought a magnetic remote. I didn't even know such things existed! I still think that DVD players should have "search" buttons for the remote, like phones have. You know, it would beep until you find it. Still, that would drive me nuts, too. Maybe we could program it to play a song? Shhh... I'll invent it and sell it and make millions! :-)