Here's my background on my little man:
Dash was a big surprise to us.
We had two toddlers at the time. The Artist went to preschool and my mom watched the Nature Man while I was at school. Yep, I was at JBU full-time on an academic scholarship. The pressure was on.
I spent a great deal of my time studying and doing assignments, trying to maintain my high GPA, and fitting in some housework here and there when I could (which was extremely difficult, so I lived in constant disorganization.) Looking back, I missed so much of that toddler time with my kids.
We thought we had it all figured out. I'd finish school with a nice degree, get a nice job, and move into a nicer house. You know, the American Dream thing. The kids would do preschool until they were old enough to be full-time in public school. Simply because that's what people do.
But God had other plans. I got pregnant with Mr.T/ Dash when it should not have been possible. I didn't even tell hubby at first because I was in shock. And then I waited even longer to tell others. I just had to get used to the idea of it.
And, don't get me wrong, I LOVE being pregnant. I love feeling the baby move, finding out the sex, picking out names, and wearing maternity clothes. But, at that stage in my life, I had other plans.
Besides, I have high risk pregnancies, as aforementioned, and this was going to take a lot of emotional strength. I didn't think I could deal with anyone else's feelings on the matter.

(A couple weeks before he was born.)
To make a long story shorter, Dash changed the course of our life. God had far better plans than I could have imagined. It was his birth that brought me back home with my three little ones. And then I couldn't possibly part with them again. It was his birth that brought the whole idea of homeschooling into my mind. Don't ask me why I hadn't seriously considered it before, even though I myself was homeschooled off and on. I have no answer.Obviously this is a picture of pictures, which is not usually a good thing to do. But I just needed to post my little man's newborn pictures. This is the day we brought him home. Notice we're both still wearing hospital bracelets.
Big brother and big sister hold him for the first time.

And this is Dash yesterday. Look at that delighted face!!

Dash withdraws in very large groups, so we decided to keep it rather simple and small. :-)
I think all of the kids had a great time!
Little Lad has an icing face.

Isn't this AWESOME?? Dash loves locks, so Mrs. Smiley and little boys blue made him his own lock board!!!

It was just such a fun day! We had great weather, sweet friends, and just a wonderful time remembering what the Lord does for those He loves. His plans are always far better than ours. :-)
Wendy, what a sweet story! I am glad that you are following your heart and God's leading for you life! You all are a such a neat family. Enjoy the time together!
I am so glad you posted this. I've never seen you pregnant. I don't's just so sweet and precious to me. And you picture of pictures actually turned out kind of artsy! We're thankful for Mr T for several reasons, but right now my heart is happy because of the friend he is to my Blondie!
God is so good in so many ways!!
Awww...CUTE photos! I love the pregnant belly shot! Sweet!
I love the pics from the past and then the present. Happy Birthday (a bit late) to Trev!!
So sweet! I'm glad T had a good birthday!!! I'm sorry the Artist got sick. :o( I hope she is feeling better. We'll be bringing his gift by soon! :0) I remember you preggo with Little Lad, but never saw the belly naked, LOL! You were so cute!!! :0)
I am always amazed at how those little "surprises" can change our lives so drastically. Our 5th was your Dash. He is just so unique--does things I never experienced with the others. At least God knows what he's doing.
What a wonderful story Wendy. Happy birthday little Dash! What a fine lad you are!! I love it when God makes obvious changes in our own plans. It makes him so tangible in those times! Have a great week :)
p.s. What a thoughtful and clever gift Smiley Joe!
so cute...and what a big boy :o)
cute pics too :o)
YOU were homeschooled off and on?! really? do tell! or have you already and slacker that i am missed it?
Yep, I was indeed. I started homeschooling in 8th grade. My parents always gave us the choice. When we moved to South Caroline, I went to 9th grade at the public high school and HATED it with a passion. The next year I opted to go home again, and had a renewed appreciation for my parents. My sisters were both homeschooled that year as well.
When we moved back to Arkansas in my junior year, I tried public school again...I thought it might be nice to "really graduate." I excelled academically, and had fun with friends, but I detested the environment. Again, I went home to school and enjoyed it, and graduated happily from homeschool. :-)
One of my younger sisters finished at the local high school, and the other also graduated from home school.
The only regrets that I have are from my public school choices. And I don't plan to allow my children the choice.
We have prayed about this decision, and we will follow God's leading on it, for as long as He plans. I don't think my kids should be making those kinds of weighty choices. :-)
So there you have it.
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