Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Because you never know when you'll need a blue book

Soooo, I got sick of looking at the disorganized cluttery bookcases,
and went on a mission to make them PRETTY.

I rearranged everything: all three LARGE bookcases by color.

The kids helped me sort and stack.

Because you never know when you'll need a blue book. I just can't tell you how thrilled I am looking at the color piles.

Ahhhhh, refreshing!

Added bonus: it's much easier for the kids to re-shelf the books now. :-)


  1. Oh, and I totally did bookcases instead of dishes. Awesome, huh?

  2. So, uh, how is the pile in front of the bookcase going? ;)

  3. I sure wish I could browse through your color-coded books. There's nothing like finding a new gem or flipping through an old favorite. I love looking at friend's bookshelves!

  4. Bravo, this brilliant phrase is necessary just by the way

  5. Tracy, the pile is GONE. The floor is CLEAN... so, you can actually come inside the playroom again now, without scaling a mountain of debris. I do have one small stack of books left. You know what that means... another bookcase will be moved in (and color-coded!!)

  6. Ha, ha, what a great idea! I like this sooo much better than alphabetical--this is the artist part of your brain taking over, I think

  7. VERY clever, you Happy Scholar, you! I clicked on reply but just to be sure it would go to you, I checked the properties on Sun-Kissed Scholars and found it the same as Wendy & Fred Adler--joila!
    But your color-coding of books is very amusing and a very good idea. And like you said, it makes it easier for them to put their books away. I spread the books I'm working on all around my desk and floor and then every once in awhile I have to put them all up so I can start over again.
    But you're rich, Wendy! not only in wonderful children but rich in books. That's a great treasure and if you ever need anymore, let me know. ^-~)
    Your Scholarly Grandfather
    Do you remember what John Calvin said towards the end of his life, that all he ever wanted in life was a quiet place to study! That's how I feel, too. And I have one!

  8. nice post. thanks.
