Monday, March 8, 2010

The new fashion statement

My Little Lad goes through accessory phases. First it was the cape. He wore it everywhere, even to bed. And cried when it had to come off for bath-time. Then the hat. And now it's the work goggles. He wears them aLL. ThE. TiMe. Gotta love cute little boys!! (and yes, he's worn the same shirt two days in a row, as well. I just have to pick my battles, you know.)


  1. I love the sleeping picture! Gotta love em. = )

  2. Oh my goodness! This post gave me a warm and happy feeling in my heart. He is sooo funny and adorable! (and you're such a good mom!)

  3. Little ollie reminds me of Stewart Little when he was wearing those aviator glasses. All he needs is a little plane. Love that boy!
