Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 things that make my day...

(Keeping with the spirit of>Color Me Katie, and inspired by the Woods...)

10 Things That Make My day

1. Old men in wigs.

2. Sister Nights, with the most wonderful gals on earth3. Shoes as bright as flowers

4. Watching children at play
5. Helping my Man conquer the world 6.Sleeping children. 'Nuf said.

7. time with books.
8. Beautiful buildings with huge windows and amazing art (a museum, in this case)

9. standing in awe before the power of storms

10. Gifts from my children What makes you happy?


  1. Reading your post, Sweetie! How wonderful! I need to do this on my blog.:)

    So glad you liked your swap package! I think Michelle got a bit mixed up as I told her I planned on hosting a Polka Dot Swap soon.:) CUTE goodies, though! Lori

  2. Lori, heh heh-- I was confused when I started taking things out, as there were no bird items. Lucky for her, I love birds AND polka dots. :-D My living room area is decorated with blues, bird items, apothecary jars... but the dining area (small as it may be) is 50s style, with a retro table and polka dots. Her gifts fit perfectly!
    Thanks for hosting the Swap.
    I look forward to seeing your "happy list."

  3. Wendy!
    This made me smile SO huge!
