Friday, June 18, 2010

Guess the vacation!

Yes, yes, I've been busier than usual. Why? Because we have been planning and preparing for our first family vacation with all four kids.
Wild cheering!!
The last "real" trip we took was about 6 years ago, when we flew to Washington state and spent a couple of days in Canada. My two little boys weren't even born then. And I'm just not counting 2- or 3-day trips to Branson, Missouri or Tulsa, OK. It's too close to be counted as a real trip.
Sooooo, here are your clues...
We'll be driving through three states total, (which includes our own.)

We will be staying by the coast (and I mean, seriously, within 1/4 block of the coastline!)
It will take us two days, or about 16 hours total, to reach our destination. (We have the amazing opportunity to stay in an incredible lake house for one night on the way)
We'll be within rock-throwing distance of a hyper-saline bay. There are only a few in the world.



  1. Alabama?? Gulf Shores? Do let me know if I am right, Sweets! I will have lots of great info. for you. We love it there!!! Lori

    So excited for your big vacation! Woo hoo!!!

  2. AOT
    Does the pathway say 35, 69, or Indian Nation. If its 35 and natural caves to see then the route is South Padre.
    But if the numbers reflect 45 near where some are not free, then the pathway is Galveston Sea.
    There is always the in-between Corpus Christ(e).

    Have a god trip

  3. I'm excited for you! Have a great and safe trip!
