Saturday, June 5, 2010

Skirt Challenge week 2

Papaw has all of his stuff moved into his new home now, and a long road of unpacking ahead of him. The kids and I went over to help and look through things the other day, and he loaded me up and sent me home with 8 boxes of Mimi's fabric remnants, buttons, and enough thread to last me a lifetime. I spent the rest of the evening sifting through material and making plans.

This piece jumped right out to me. This is the back side, so you can't tell yet just how vibrant and bold it is.

Fred and I watched Marley and Me, while I whipped up this double-layer full circle skirt for Isabelle. It's my own pattern. Email if you want an idea of how I did it.

I added a zipper and two hook-and-eye closures, for easier dressing and adjustability as she grows.

Plus a matching, reversible headscarf.

I'm lovin' these summer evenings to sew and relax.

In rather related news, my Art Room was in shambles. Stuff everywhere, covering table, chairs, floor. It simply exploded near the end of the school year.
Thankfully, my uncle and Papaw came to the rescue. Papaw bought and Timothy built a beautiful, huge shelf to perfectly fit my 3 1/2 x 8 ft space. I'm in the process of organizing the whole thing...and then I'll show you the amazing difference.

We've also had about 5-6 playdates, plus a trip to the lake, relative visits, a date night, and a Garden Party within the last week. Phew.
Life. Gets. Busy.
My summer already seems to be flying by, and it just started. We have every weekend this month booked up, but it's all fabulously FUN stuff: camping trips, beach trip, Art Nights, you name it. June will be awesome.
I'm soakin' up every moment.


  1. Cute. Skirt! I love how you are savoring (my word for this year) June! Sounds like fun, fun and more fun.:) Lori

  2. It looks wonderful! And I can't wait to see your newly organized art area!
