Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Attempting a picture with all of the kids

I LOVED this idea so much, that we decided to copy it. Thanks, Joyful Chaos!

I would have taken the pictures outside but, for crying out loud, it was around 110 degrees all day. No, I am NOT exaggerating. So, this was our first attempt at having all four kids in the same school picture. I may try again tomorrow, outside. Then I'll drench them with the hose.


  1. How cute!! I love it!

    I stole it from somebody else. Now I don't remember.. I'll have to look that up.. Give her some credit too.

    Happy Homeschooling!!

  2. I love the little guys face. ; D
    I am going to "steal" this idea from you! It's a great way to record the start of the year.

  3. L-O-V-E this, especially Oliver's! Best school photos EVER!


  4. I just LOVE this to do this when we start next week! esp love the "Along for the ride" one LOL! I'm also making shirts this year...saw that on someone's page last year...did you do that? anyway w/our homeschool name and year...
    Rebecca D
    who needs to finish setting up her own blog so it isn't anon anymore LOL!

  5. SO ADORABLE!!! Great idea indeed! And my aren't they growing!! :D

  6. What a great idea! I might have to use that one...
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note on my post today :)
