Sunday, August 29, 2010

Be Still


  1. Interesting post.... Makes you go - hmm.... Dont know what you are going through with your family and also know you dont need the reminder that our God is BIG- so , here's a hug instead. {{{}}}}

  2. This post actually took off without my words. So it's leaving me going, "hmmmmm," too.

    I do know how big our God is. :) And how Mighty. And I appreciate the hug, Debbie.

    Our family-- my sister-- is going through a lot. But God is sustaining us all.
    Love you.

  3. Context has different meanings in different situations.

    My first thought was copperhead or rattlesnake.

    My assumption that yours is of a personal nature.

    10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth."

    May the skies clear and you gaze upon that GOLDEN SKY.

  4. I am wondering how you are doing with "being still" are not exactly a "still" kind of gal.

    - sd

  5. Sherrill,
    I would have surprised you. I was pretty still. Plus the air conditioner was out, and it was 90+ degrees in here at times. So I didn't even cook.
    I read a lot at night. Very still indeed.
    Now the fog seems to be clearing, shock is wearing off, and I'm getting some focus back again.
