Monday, August 16, 2010

Because I have boys...

Because I have boys

...every mess will be messier...

...fingerprints, footprints, and car tracks will decorate my glass door...

...everyone, in every picture, gets bunny ears. Yes, even a butterfly...

...swords (aka sticks) are kept down the back of the pants, in case of a fencing emergency...

...the recliner (or floor, van, laundry pile) is used an impromptu bed, when they finally crash from exhaustion...

...wars rage on, surrounding our home....

...the mud pit has become a favorite play zone in the backyard, in lieu of a jungle gym, wooden playsets, and a trampoline...

...they will invite more boys, and fill my house with race car games, bugs, Star Wars paraphernalia, and army men... will be virtually impossible to get a decent smiling picture...

I grew up with all sisters, and it was quite a shock to have three boys.
I can honestly say I love it (of course, that's pretty easy at the moment, given that they're all asleep right now!- ha!)
The rowdiness, volume, play fighting and shooting, airplane sound affects...
the sheer physical-ness of boys-- always jumping, climbing, pulling...
it was all foreign to me.
And sometimes drives me crazy.
But it's also an amazing little world that they live in.
My boys, at least, seem to live in a land of adventure and intrigue,
fraught with danger. They prepare for battle every day.
They laugh and play, run and then crash.
Wow-- boys.
Nothin' else quite like a boy.


  1. Sniff! Laugh! Cry! I love it! I never thought I'd have a house of boys either and it's wonderful. Even in the absence of getting a good picture. = )

  2. I love having 2 boys! I could do with less gas passing, though.....

  3. So glad you found my blog. I look forward to reading more about your family. (Love your "bio".)

    You can certainly re-post my blog post of the book review, as long as you link back to mine. Thanks for asking.

    I'm actually enjoying your fine state today. We spent yesterday at the Grand Canyon, and are now roasting in the heat of Phoenix. :)


    Laurel :)

  4. Oh my dear! Boys are not for the faint of heart :) :) Great pictures!
