Tuesday, August 24, 2010

birthday, the boy way

Our NatureMan wanted to do his own little family birthday celebration this time around, for the Big Ole 9.

Happy Birthday, my Oldest Son!
He helped make, bake & decorate his own cupcakes....
Mmmmm....spray frosting!! ;)
Full of messy, gooey sugar and chocolate, just the way he planned it.
And thank you, Mom, for making angel food cake with strawberries for those of us who can't handle too much sugar!
Love having my folks right here in town, to celebrate all of the kids' birthdays with us.

Below, my dear Man makes sure that the little monkeys don't inadvertently eat the wrapping. They would, too.
Then it was Bubble Time on the porch. No one outgrows bubbles!

Have you seen the new bubble bottles, that have little plastic-y slits at the top, to make them "spill-resistant"? Very neat!! We should ONLY buy that kind from here on out.

Dash ended up wearing most of his bubble solution. Not surprising.

We just chilled (yeah, really, it was in the 80s--praise God-- a break from the record-breaking-heat!) and chatted on the porch while the craziness ensued.

Plus, check out another awesome picture that my Dad brought home from India.
Gotta love it!
NatureMan, you are my fabulous, mild-mannered, introspective, inquisitive first-born son.
What would I do without you?
I thank God for you, kid!!
I love you more than all the stars in the sky and all the sand on the beaches!


  1. I LOVE that picture of Isabelle sitting on the porch, it's lovely!

  2. (picking myself up off the floor) you posted his name?!?!?!?

    - sd

  3. Ah, shoot. I post too quickly. Will edit that, girlie. Thanks.

    me, too!
