Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The First Ten Days

We've been into our 2010/2011 homeschool year for over 2 weeks now!

The older kids started back up on Teaching Textbooks, Spectrum Writing, handwriting (handwriting with George for NatureMan,) and all of their regularly scheduled activities. Same as last year. :-)
I was worried about "officially" adding another one to the mix. So far, it's going smoothly. As far as school goes, that is. We did have a hard day today with some crazy brother-roughness between the two middles. Those boys are opposites and don't always play great together.
Soooooo, anyway...
My little people are enjoying My Father's World. For the first ten days of the curriculum you focus on creation and re-introducing #'s, letters, shapes and other basics. Working on Creation Pages...
so many skills: narration, drawing, cutting and gluing, designing.
Below, Dash's handwriting page. And here, you can see one of Little Lad's shape pages. We gathered things together that had the same shape (CD case, board book and so forth, for Squares.) We also made a number book,

...and added days to the calendar...

...straws to the Hundreds Jar (and rubber band them together whenever you have 10)... ...birds to the "bird jar." Yeah, I came up with that one...

I made Little Lad a station for Opening and Closing, with various containers:

Some have twist tops, others are flip, or push, or spouts. Helps to give the kid a few beans or something to pour, shake and rattle.

Other station areas at the table, next to us, to keep him occupied when we're working past his lesson time. It feels Right to have a 5th grader, 3rd grader, kindergartner,
and preschooler in our little School!

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