Sunday, September 12, 2010

Modge Podge Shoes!

When I get serious about an evening refocus (from preoccupied, tired house-pick-up to BaBoom Craft Rejuvenation!) I don't waste much time. :-D

I saw modge podged SHOES here at Modge Podge Rocks, and dashed to my closet to find a suitable pair for experimentation. Flats might have worked better, but these were all I could come up with, on short notice.
Once upon a time, I wore these pumps with my navy sailor-type dress. As you can see, though, the toes were wearing out.

I simply grabbed some material, cut it slightly larger than I needed (semi-followed these steps at Make It & Love It, except that I had to cut separate pieces for the toes and heels) and thickly modge podged it on.

The shoes are a bit stiffer than I expected, but should wear in fairly soon (actually, in these pictures, the outside wasn't even completely dry-- should've waited just a bit longer, and I need to take my exacto knife around the edges, for a smoother finish.)

Best of all, I used OUTDOOR modge podge, so they'll be suitable for things like this...

Well, kinda suitable.

I do almost anything in a skirt and heels... remember the horseback riding pictures? ;-)

Yay! I feel the juices flowing again. Quick, hand me some paints! Send me some links, share some ideas! Get your craft on!


  1. These are great! I have some similar shoes, a bit more chunky, that I'm thinking I should pay you to put some cute fabric on - love yours, but not sure I have anything in those colors. Love it!

    - sd

  2. I'm thinking using scrap book paper would be so much thinner than fabric, and wonder if that would work better? Easier to smooth any folds or wrinkles out.

  3. Thanks, guys. Brook, absolutely-- that's why I post projects! Please feel free to copy any idea on here. Happy Crafting!

    Kate, I agree. For these hard and smooth shoes, paper probably would have worked better. I have several fabric, ruffly flats, and material would adhere and move more naturally with those. Live and learn. I may try paper next! :-)
