Tuesday, September 21, 2010

supporting a good cause

I'd like you to meet Ashley.

Ashley is the oldest of six kids (four little brothers and a baby sister.) She is a seventeen year old, homeschooled senior, and blogs at Lens and Needle. Ashley's friends Bryan and Rachel Gumpy had their first baby on September 6, 2010. Baby Charlie was born ten weeks premature and lived three days. As you can imagine, Charlie’s medical bills and funeral expenses are high. Ashley is hosting a giveaway on her blog, to raise money for the Gumpys. You can donate any amount via the Paypal button on my sidebar and leave a comment on the giveaway post saying you’ve done so. All the monies will go to the Charles Benson Gumpy Memorial Fund. You can read about that at Pray for Charlie.

Please consider donating, to help with their expenses. The giveaway packages are fantastic! Hop over to her site to see what people are offering. My Fall "BOO" banner is in package 2. I'll post photos of the finished banners, when I get those uploaded in a day or so.

Above all, please lift Bryan and Rachel, and their families, in prayer.

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