Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tailwaggers 5K

You know I'm all about doing family things...
Yesterday morning I was able to see my mom race, be outside on a fabulous fall day (high of 74!!), plus see friends and get free food. To top it off, the race was at the downtown park, and they brought in a Bounce King. The more energy my kids get out at the park, the less they'll bring home... right??

LOTS of doggies at the Tailwagger 5K and walk. Below, my mom crossing the finish line, first in her age group. My -super-athletic- Mom, and my super sweet second-cousin Lisa.

Mom, I'm so proud of you for running!!
Man, I'm starting to feel that urge to get back in shape. For awhile, we were doing P90X, running, eating well... and then it all went down the toilet. I started eating Papaw's apple pies for lunch, quit working out altogether, and didn't run all summer because of the unusual and intense heat. Bleh. I'm feeling the effects now! And, although I only put on about 4 lbs, my weight is shifting to the butt area. Eh. Not great.
So, with you as my witness, I am committing to get back in shape.
I need the energy that comes with exercise,
the health benefits of it, the stress relief.
Help hold me accountable!!
I want to run the next race, too, not just watch from the sidelines!


  1. Good luck with your goal!
    I just got back myself on the treadmill after taking 22 days off for not apparent reason. I was starting to feel blah already, so I kicked my butt and got back to it!
    Maybe you could use one of those free counting thingies, I like the If you sign up, find me (Alexandra D.)! We can send each other comments and cheering, thumbs up, etc.. And you can add a widget to your blog that shows your mileage too ;)

  2. You're awesome, daughter! Thanks for coming out to the race. By the way, remember the movie Kindergarten Cop and how worn out Arnold Schwartzenegger was after one day of chasing little ones around even though he was in "great shape"? Well, I've seen you in action with your boys and all I can say is, "You GO girl!"

  3. I'm glad you got pics of it. I was telling Jamey about it but only took that one pic of you on my phone which I should post on fb maybe? I don't know how else to get it off of there.
    Your mom is an inspiration to run isn't she? When she checked in, one of the other T.W. ladies said "You can tell she's a pro at this." and I agreed. :) Yay, Wendy's momma for getting first!
    I need to get back had the exercise myself. It isn't easy to start when you totally fall off the health wagon like I have. You can do it-I have NO doubt!

  4. Marshamllow friends & apple pies are so much more exciting than working out though! ;-)


  5. Hope you and your friends will join Tailwaggers again at our 5k this year! Sept. 17th, at 9:00am, Bob Henry Park. This year we will have a live band (80's and 90's covers...yeah!!!) the bounce house and face painting for kids, and great door prizes again. Free hot dogs and drinks, massage therapist offering free chair massages!!!
