Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is Art?

Is it food? Altered couture? Something drawn on...painted...sketched... etched...spray-painted...carved?
Is it built, sewn, layered, scribbled, photographed?
Is it sometimes commonplace, overlooked, taken for granted?
Do you need a degree or a title? Do you need a special room or studio? Must you have years of experience? Does someone else need to call it art? Or call you an artist?

Art in pen, (print and enjoy)...

ready for crayons, markers, or paint...
Art in food...
Color and shapes
of carrots, turkey dogs,
popcorn, cheerios, tomatoes,
grapes, apricots, almonds, quesadillas... Art in chalk...
with butterfly babies...
and alien abductions...

Art in colored pencil...
and words to live by...
Art in dishes...
and in nature...
Art in Journaling...

Art. Yeah, it can change your life.
It brightens the world, encourages others,
puts smiles on faces, and colors the drab.
Go. Do Art.
Talent is God's gift to you
Using your talent is your gift to God.


  1. Very cool post! So creative.
    I enjoyed every word and picture in it-It was like a breath of fresh air~

    Have a great weekend, keep growing! :)


  2. What a fun post! And now I want to go paint a picture of that beautiful tray of food-after I gobble it all up!

    Have a blessed week!

  3. Thank you for this helpful post! Make sure you routinely keep it coming. Cheers.

  4. Great written piece with truly valuable guidelines. Thank you for putting it together.

  5. You do a great job. Make sure you keep publishing. Thanks a lot
