Monday, October 11, 2010

Apple Pie, the boy way

My little boys requested a "boy pie." Noo, it's not birthday time around here. Just Monday. :)

Luckily, I have shark and turtle cookie cutters.

We followed this recipe (ours was already mixed, so we only had to grab it from the freezer!)

Dash helped me roll it out, and then cut out the shapes...

I helped him put the top of the pie on, along with the cookie cutter shapes...An hour later, we pulled this "boy pie" from the oven.Mmmm... sharks on pie taste yummy!


  1. Love it! Gotta love those crazy boys!

  2. We had a lot of fun with it! I can have apple pie for every occasion now!!-- cut-out pumpkins for Halloween, a star for Christmas, and so forth! :D
