Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pregnancy Photo Shoot

Let me introduce you to Tracy and her beautiful family.

My sister and I took them out for a fun little photo shoot around town yesterday. I love all of the old buildings, textured brick walls climbing with vines and moss, and the fall foliage.

Aren't they adorable??

And Tracy is just stunning.

This is just a sampling of the 300+ pictures we took.

Plus, she's so much FUN! We had a blast goofing off with poses and props.

"Can I really handle 3??"
Yes, Tracy, you can do it!

Get ready for more pregnancy pictures. I have a TON of expecting-mama friends right now.:)


  1. I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant with #3. Those are beautiful pictures, Wendy.

  2. Tracy should be a statue in an art museum or something, she's so lovely. And her kiddos are cuter than a Baby Gap ad. You are an awesome photographer. I love all the great photo ops you've discovered in Siloam. I'm looking forward to doing some sister shoots with you soon... and a Mommy-Baby one, too.
