Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Overbooked, yet overjoyed

I'm so ridiculously behind. I know.
Remember how I was trying not to overschedule? Yeah, well, the holidays totally cramp my isolation-style. ;) The calendar somehow filled to the brink.
How do you say no to so many wonderful things? I'm not good at that.
I said yes.
A lot.

Here's the lowdown on my last two-ish weeks:

Awesome home group with amazing people, singing, eating, playing games.
Jetta and Isabelle, two beauties!

See the line Tate drew? What would you guess?

The answer was "floss." :D

(We didn't get it.)

And Kate had her baby TODAY, two days after this picture was taken. The hysterical laughing helped, I'm sure.

Ryan and Nicole, I'm going to miss you.

My fantastic friend Rochelle had her beautiful blonde baby Jasper last week

Love this pic!

Papaw took us all to the Candlelight dinner and service. Amazing. Thanks to all who planned, directed, and sang!

And my Man had a birthday on the 15th (I won't disclose his age, but he does have gray hairs now...shhhhh!)

Lots of playdate fun with friends...
My awesome sister, Julie, dyed my hair. Thank you, woman of many talents!
Fire red streaks are making me happy.

My other amazing sister, Amy, turned ...umm...27 (? that's right... right?)
some artwork of mine, for girlfriends and for my etsy:

Plenty of messy indoor play--here the boys are playing cars in the snow (flour)

Last, but not least,
Amers bought a new house, and will officially sign papers in January!!
One of my other dear friends was finally able to move into her new home TODAY.
YAY Tracy!
We're missing Papaw, as he travels to California and Colorado to visit family over the Christmas season. How many 77-year old fly around here and there, hanging out with family?
And, most importantly, we've been together a lot as a family, able to talk, sing, and worship.
So very thankful for the Reason for the Season.
Oh, God, thank you for sending us Your Son.


  1. Boy you have been busy, but it all looks like fun! I love the artwork you've been doing, Wendy! It's so pretty and also very creative and unique. Can't wait to see ya soon!

  2. awwww! what fun pics and events. Thanks for sharing!

  3. LOVE the hair! And I totally relate...wanting to simplify, and then life sneaks in and gets crowded. Really enjoying your blog!!
