Thursday, July 28, 2011

Personality Clothes: What I Wore

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I've mentioned to a few friends lately that my motto lately is "I don't flippin' care" in regards to what other people think. Not that anyone thinks badly, that I know of...but I don't really flippin' care. I asked Fred about dying my hair dark brown with some purple streaks. He smiled...and then asked "what would your homeschool group say?" I love my homeschool group! They're awesome people, and I seriously doubt they'd judge me on hair color...but, frankly, I don't flippin' care.
What does the world think about an orange living room? Asymmetrical haircut? Tube tops? Skirts and aprons every day? My homeschooling lifestyle? A messy house? I don't flippin' care. Yeah, you heard me. I'm not wanting or needing to fit anyone's profile. Deal with it. :)

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I had wanted to participate in the "what I wore" posts that were going around... so neat, so artsy. (Yes, art encompasses make-up and clothes, too. It's just another way to express your personality and play with mixed media!) But I hesitated that just another way to open myself to criticism? Aren't I different enough already? But the motto works for that, too: "I don't flippin' care." And maybe, just maybe, someone else will be inspired. Maybe someone who needs an emotional pull-up will see that it's okay to be who God made you to be. Like I've said before, it's the blue-haired nose-ringed Christians who reach others with that style. If we all conformed to a certain arbitrary standard, then who is being unintentionally (or intentionally??) left out of the "circle." So, yeah. I'm starting my What I Wore posts.

Unlike other posters that I've seen, I have no idea what brands/ stores my clothes are from. The tube top was a hand-me-down from a sister, year ago. Not sure about the little white cardy. The skirt was from my neighbor's Quarter Yard Sale. This outfit cost me a total of $.25 and it fit my mood perfectly yesterday. Summery and light

If you're doing the What I Wore (--or really anything else artsy, crafty, educational, creative--) let me know.

And, please, tell me that you're your own person, too, whatever that means for you.


  1. love this post. thanks! i'm very much in the same boat. ;)

  2. It has taken me 35+ years to come to the same conclusion. When we moved to Texarkana I became painfully aware of how different I am and had an identity crisis. But now I am ok with me. Popularity is overrated and since I have let go I am much happier. Be the more unique you you can be.

  3. You know, while coming over to your place, before I read this post, I was thinking, "She's so cool." Not that you flippin' care ;)

    You've given me a little pick me up this morning to just be who God made me to be and to halt those thoughts that I "should" be more of something or less of something else.

  4. Wendy I LOVED this post because I don't flippin care either! LOL....and you look great :)
