Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Science Fridays with friends

Have you figured out that my "busy" went to "BUSY" when school started back up?
Up the

Yeah, we're kind-of happily swamped over here, in science experiments, art lessons, field trips, plus all of my extra elementary coordinator stuff now. Which I love, by the way. :) It leaves very little time for art, though. And very little time for blogging. I'm going to *try* to use the kids' video time for those hobbies of mine. They're allowed to watch a video at 6pm every day. We'll see how well that "me time" goes. It may end up being early morning instead.
I've also been watching my sister's kids every morning, from 6-7:30am, before they go to school. Again, I love that. Great kids, fun times for the cousins, but it means that I moved my bedtime way up. I'm *trying* to get pumped for a 5am wake-up hour, so I can go running before the kiddlings arrive. So far, I only make it to the coffee pot and couch by 5:30am.
Sooooo, here's an attempt to catch up on our days.
We do Nature Notebook every other Friday with our homeschool group, which I LOVE. Last time we had the stories and a talk about hummingbirds and toads + a craft. This Friday we'll have a session on "being a naturalist," led by one of my all-time favorite gals! I'm excited.
The Fridays that we don't have Nature Notebook are our Science and Correspondence days. We meet with friends to do all kinds of awesome experiments & test theories.
Here are a couple of photos from our study on water and air pressure. We watched Steve Spangler's science video about it first, tried the experiment, and then watched the explanation. Cool stuff, y'all.

I'll catch you up soon (whoever might still be with me? Maybe this is just my online record now!) We've done other experiments since then, all kinds of hikes, and art projects. I have things to blog, just not the time to do it! Thankfully, this seems to be our smoothest start to a school year. The kids are adjusted to the schedule now, they like their new materials, and we're all enjoying the extracurricular activities. Win/win

1 comment:

  1. really and truly I will get Timmy signed up with CHESS and signed up for Nature Notebook. Can I do it on-line? Does Nature Notebook meet at specific Fridays (say MM fridays)?
