Saturday, October 29, 2011

Artist Pages: Line and Variety

I recently found some fun little art pages for the kids, over on Pinterest. (Leave me a comment if you need an invite over there.)

So, naturally, I decided to make my own little pages for the kids' art notebooks. Feel free to download and print some for your own use. If you re-post, just credit my site please.

I plan to work on more fun illustrations for the kids. (This is a goal, and I'm saying it out loud to hold myself accountable!)

We made some little books this week and they LOVED having personalized pictures. In fact, I started it as a fun little project with the two little boys, but the older kids decided they wanted their own mini-books, too. :D Made me happy.

My inspiration came from ABCs of Art. I'll make more of our own, little by little, personalized to what my kids like. I'm open to your suggestions, too!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog and always enjoy seeing what you and the kids are getting up to. THey are lucky to have such an inter active mom. lol. You do find fun ways to teach them and I love that you use art as your medium to teach so often, Rocks. I would also love it if you could get me an invite over to pinterest. thank you so much for the offer. I didn't know who to ask as non of my friends even know what it is that i'm talking about. hugs
