Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Beautiful Little Things

I definitely have a thing for color and for vintage finds... so when you put the two together, my eyes glaze over a bit and my heart skips. Just plain happy goodness. I love this shelf in the playroom (which is actually the little boys' shared room, but we've always called it the "playroom," as all the toys are in there!) I keep my sweet little "happy finds" here, although anyone is welcome to get them down and play at any time.
These things make me smile!

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful,
or believe to be beautiful.
~William Morris

Teeny little "children of the world" Matryoshka dolls. Love.

~ Jack-in-the-box ~ Wooden train ~ vintage books ~
~xylophone ~ tambourine ~ Rubik's cube ~

I find these things beautiful.
Thankfully, my kids also find them "useful," so they meet both criteria for my house. ;)  

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