Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Moments

Recent captured moments~
My friend's adorable munchkin, munchin' away on his apple of the day.
Can't beat 70 degrees in January!! After school, we met at the park and let the kids run off energy. My Oldest Boy had some bonding time with our friend's pup.

Starting early at archery! My Youngest, taking aim.
Yes, I need to repaint the door. Still. It makes me smile. :)
Serious bedhead kitty lovin'~

 Aaaaaaand, seemingly unrelated, but definitely a happy moment for me, I dressed up in one of my favorite stripey dresses and stripey tights, and spent a night out with my sisters this past weekend.
Life is good in stripes!

What's a Monday without a game of Sorry? It's our Go-To game!

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