Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Merry Little (early) Coastal Christmas

The kids and I are excited about Christmas on the coast, y'all!!
It's our new theme.

When we moved, we sold or gave away about half of what we owned. We simply didn't have room to bring it all. That included our Christmas tree and much of our décor. (Yes, that was hard.) I think there's still a box of stuff in my grandfather's garage, too....including our stockings. Need to get those!
Thankfully, we found adorable mini trees at the 99 cent store! And a large white tree at Goodwill for a whooping 10 bucks. We bought two packages of ornaments, also from the 99 cent store, and gathered the rest along the coast. Proof that you can decorate on a budget! ;)

Wanting to stick to our coastal theme, but not spend a fortune ordering a bazillion cards, we decided to make them. Time to get creative!
 This is what we came up with:
Seas and Greetings!
 Four little elves helped me draw, cut, and glue.
There you have it. Family-made and coastal themed!
The best part is that everyone could contribute.
(plus, glitter- and sequin-use, which is a given.)


  1. Wendy, this was the first time I had seen your blog for a LONG time. I didn't realize you still had it. I like it! Love, Papaw
