I haven't spent much time around the computer lately, but last night I felt the urge to look up some old pictures. Then I spent a solid hour reminiscing through their toddler pictures and reading all the "funny things they say" tag through this blog. Makes my heart so happy!! And inspires me to blog more, if only for my own benefit. This is a journal that I'll never misplace!
This is Oli's birthday week! My baby will be 7 on Friday! Today we are headed to the beach for Day 1. We've waited a month to head back to the sea, allowing time for the Winter Texans & spring breakers to enjoy it and then take off! It's a good 10 degrees cooler by the beach, so we're looking at mid-70s there today. Great for sand play and hiking by the shore, but still too cool to get in the water.
Oliver is still as funny as he always was. The other day, I served fish sandwiches on sesame seed buns. A minute later, I hear him holler, "Mom! I have sandwich seeds!! Can we plant them?"