My camera was snatched by my sister, so I stood between Charlie and Sherrill, so I wouldn't have to take the flash alone!
We started out munching, then the whole introduction rounds, and then we played some games. They were more ice-breakers than games, as no one really "wins." It's just about getting to know each other. I realized that almost everyone here knows me through either our homeschool group or some kind of church/ ministry.
Lindsay, Amy, and Charlie...nice pose, Charlie!
The first game was "I Have Never..." Everyone sits in a circle except one person. The person in the middle says something that they have never done (ie. I have never gotten a manicure or I have never worn a bikini). All the people who have never done that have to get up and find an empty seat (from someone else who just got up). The person stuck without a seat is now in the middle. This game has no time limit. Wow-- I learned some interesting info! ;-)
Suzanne and Kathryn, do we need to separate you two??
The second game was Two Truths And A Lie. Each person writes 2 truths and a lie about themselves. The group has to guess which is the lie. We played variations of this later in the night. The tongues get looser as the night went on, if you know what I mean...
Two beauties, Rochelle and Adelia
Sherrill, October, and Jerri warming up by the fire, as the night got chilly.
We were also blessed to have Tab play her guitar and sing until about midnight. Her music just touches my soul. I wish I could sing. And I'm thankful that God gave her that talent, to stir others' hearts. And, girl, thank you SO much for the CD. You are awesome!
I had to get everything out, then scoop the green stuff from the bottom of the washer, and proceed to pick each green strand out of the pants.
Anyway, on to other matters. When Fred got home from work today, he announced "We're havin' fish tonight!"
Fine by me. I marinated salmon, tilipia, and catfish, for a fish sampler platter. And I prepared homemade seasoned steak fries. Everything was set to go, when Fred discovered he was out of charcoal. Being the creative geniuses that we are (heh), we rigged up out firepit to cook the fries and then fish.
Yes, that's a leftover part of our fence, with the grill rack on top.
You know you're a redneck when...
Tomorrow is a big day. My baby turns 1. ONE-year old. I can hardly believe it. I spent my spare seconds today just studying his little face: the wispy blond hair that is starting to curl in the back, his beautiful clear blue eyes, those chipmunk cheeks that everyone wants to pinch. The way he smiles, reaching up for my face when he's nursing. Oh...and the smell. He smells like the Shea Butter baby wash that I use on him. I just want to inhale it and keep that scent in my lungs. This baby is just the happiest cuddliest most adorable infant in the world, (not that I'm partial or anything.) I can't believe a whole year has passed.