I'm Back.
Breathing. Or trying to. I'm congested and my voice is gone. Phooey. Do you have any idea how hard it is to call four kids to the table with no voice? I've resorted to whistling.
It's been -weeks- since I posted. What a slacker.
Here's "what's up," in wonderfully random order.
~Craft Workshop~

The boys, making slime at our
homeschool Christmas craft workshop. The whole thing was great!! Kids made homemade hot chocolate packets, sock dolls, marshmallow blowers, bath scrubs, rag dolls, etc etc. Very well done.

Kids with their friends, after the workshop. We had some face painting fun! I let each of the kids decide how their make-up and/or face paint would be designed.

Fred's grandma taught me how when we were over there last time. I got pretty excited about it, and Fred went out and bought me a loom set and yarn the next day. That night I knit this hat, while we watched a movie.

I have such good-looking little models.
These pictures were taken at Fred's uncle's house. Of course.
At my parents house, you'll see the kids drawing, watching animal documentaries, and playing chess. At my in-laws', they are more likely to be riding four-wheelers, playing football, watching TV, or climbing inside furnaces. The best of both worlds, I guess. ;-)

~My own "little" family~ 
Pics of the
fam that my sis took here in town, before our Thanksgiving meal at Mom and Dad's. Thanks, Julie.

No, my Nature Man does not own a white dress shirt. And, no, the Artist is not wearing red fluffy slippers. Those are the ruffles at the end of her pants.
~Last Day of Co-op Classes~ 
The kids loved all of their co-op classes this semester. We're excited to be participating in even more classes next semester.
(yes, it does get its own category!)

I've been a hat-making machine in the evenings. The kids help me design them, and I whip 'em up. Can you guess what my nieces and nephews are getting for Christmas?

Another beautiful model child.
I'll say what my Dad always said to us,
"I'm so blessed to have children that are not only intelligent but also very beautiful."

Lovely face, Nature Man. Just lovely.
~Discovery Zone Field Trip~
Examining and Identifying rocks and shells.

The Artist and my Mom looking through books. So nice to have my folks nearby. They often attend our field trips with us. :-)

Studying about Arkansas rivers.
~Kiddy Nature Walk and Pinecone Glittering~

First, the nature walk to gather necessary supplies! We left when Dash fell in the water.

Check out the awesome humongous leaf that Little Lad is holding, above.

Dash went a little glitter-crazy.
~Birthday Bash and Game Night with friends~

Good food, fun people, hilarious games. Great times!

Now you're pretty much caught up on the "good stuff." We've had some challenges, sickness, vehicle problems, and other "
unpleasants." Just so you know. Because we aren't perfect. Life has challenges. All in all, I see good things happening. We are SO blessed, and we know it.