Sunday, June 20, 2010


I love love love my nephews and nieces, and I'm so thankful that they all live nearby.
Last night my Man and sister and bro-in-law went to Stupid Movie Night. It's really not my thing, so I stay home and watch kiddos. I'm SuperWoman, (right?) so putting all the kiddos to bed should be no problem: 10-, 8-, 5-, 4-, 3-, 2-year old...piece of cake.

One kid had a plan from the beginning. I could see it on his smug little face. Can you pick him out of the bunch?? The wheels were turning... plan was forming.... "keep Aunt Wendy on her toes." It was a game.

After two hours of "the game" I came up with an awesome solution....

Nah, just kidding. He did eventually fall asleep. Good thing for you, kid, that I haven't finished sewing that straight jacket yet. ;-P~~~


  1. I love having my nieces over also. A houseful can be fun!

  2. Hilarious! I find that no matter how good the kids are- the more you have the more trouble it may be !!! :)

  3. I still wonder why kids are soooo irresistible. I love them. Anyway it's a cute pic you have there. can i have it?
