Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Days are here to stay

The kids wondered why we aren't flying. Well, simply put, it's because we're poor.

But, you know, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with driving. I'm okay with bypassing amusement parks or ocean tours, in favor if downtime at the coast every day. I'm more than okay with this amazing opportunity we have to travel together. Being on the low-end of the financial pool keeps us creative! Sure, I would fly if we had the money-- but we don't, and that's fine. You use what you've got.
I grew up at the high-end of middle class...but I don't remember "things." I can't recall a single Christmas gift I received as a child. I barely remember Disney World. The things that stuck with me were family game nights, weekend camping trips, the super-long stocked art table that my parents had set up for us. I remember long walks by the creek, "special times" with my Dad, and creek swimming (My parents swam with us; they never stayed on the shore the entire time, reading or tanning.) I remember all the TIME we had together. And that is what I want my kids to remember. :-D


  1. I like to sleep on long car trips. I know that might not work with a van full of kids. I enjoy the looking for the abc's on signs and 0 - 50 on signs. About the beach - there are lovely shells but they all have sea animals living in them. A friend of mine packed her shell in her suitcase and found an stinky dead crab there when she got it home. Take a small spray bottle of white vingar for the jellyfish- it works great for taking the sting out of sunburn too. Have fun.

  2. Don’t know your schedule, but I-35 south of Dallas has been under construction forever, and as far as the eye can see. Here are a couple of websites you might review to get a feel for the construction situation.

    Drive Safely and enjoy your vacation.


    Road Conditions
    I-35 Expansion/Central Texas
    Road Conditions



  3. I love road trips. I actually prefer then to flying. We love road games. One of our favorite is punch buggy. When you see a different state other than the one your in you shout Punch Buggy and that state. We have a competition to see who can get the most. To make it harder we often add the capital.

    We also like to pack snacks and lunch so we can stop at parks or beside lake to stretch our legs and take in some fresh air. It can be much better than sitting in a restaurant when we have been sitting all day.

  4. My fav. memories are long car trips with my family every summer. We listened to Odyssey tapes and other books on tape, colored, played abc sign games and liscence plate games. We buy each of our kids a new sticker or coloring book before we head out anywhere. They fill most of it up by the time we are home. Here's to creating wonderful memories and being "poor!"
