Tuesday, July 13, 2010

5 Things I Hate About Texas

Like I said, I love Texas. LOVE it. I want to move there, hopefully in the next few years. I could live around San Antonio or somewhere further south, for a closer drive to the coast. I don't mind the heat one bit, as long as there's water around. And I LOVE the idea of mild winters.

But there were 5 things I could have done without:

1. Dallas Construction.

2. Dallas Traffic

3. Dallas Exits

4. Dallas, Getting Lost In

(not the most flattering picture.

It was disconcerting to be stuck on an exit

that we could NOT get off of. Ugh. Dallas.)

5. Dallas, because it's Dallas.

The hurricane didn't even make the list.

While in South Padre, we even came across an article that listed Dallas one of the Most Disappointing Vacation Spots. I don't doubt it. I briefly lived outside of Dallas, about 13 years ago, and it was just as irritating then as it is now.

Thankfully, the rest of Texas makes up for the one city I try to bypass.

I apologize to anyone who is actually from Dallas, and loves the area. Truly, I feel for you. ;-)

I'm sure there must be something redeeming about the place..... maybe....?


  1. CONFUSED???

    PIC 3
    How did one get in the westbound "CANYON" from 69/75?

    I understand as more than once I have made the wrong turn in BIG D.


  2. I agree with you 100% about Dallas. We went to San Antonio on vacation last September and drove through Dallas to get there. I thought I was going to die while sitting in the back trying to keep my toddler and baby calm because we were barely moving. Both ways going through Dallas we had to also endure terrrible rain storms that made it even worse.

  3. I agree with you 100% about Dallas. We went to San Antonio on vacation last September and drove through Dallas to get there. I thought I was going to die while sitting in the back trying to keep my toddler and baby calm because we were barely moving. Both ways going through Dallas we had to also endure terrrible rain storms that made it even worse.

  4. My son would say the redeeming factor would be the Lego store :) This is where he and my husband want to go this summer, and I have already said I didn't want to go b/c the traffic makes me a nervous wreck!! My husband has always liked Dallas, and frequently says that is where he wants to go...I have never felt that way even though I always loved Six Flags when I was younger.
