Friday, July 30, 2010

Do-It-Yourself Frame

We gathered hundreds of shells when we were at the beach on vacation. I put some around the living room, a few on the nature shelf, and some in a vase with the sand we brought home (yes, we transported sand, on purpose.)
I bought this blank cardboard-ish frame at Hobby Lobby. You could also get a cheap one at Dollar Tree or a yard sale, for the same purpose.
See it now, hot glued with sea shells?When those dry completely, I'll add tiny shells to cover up all of the cardboard. Maybe even some sand. I have spray adhesive, and I think sand would be as easy to apply as glitter. :-)
The photo is of the day that we gathered most of our shells, right after the storm surge of Hurricane Alex.


  1. I love the shelf! I have all these shells from my trips to Mexico and Africa and California that are stored in a tub downstairs. I have the larger ones out for the kids to play with and touch, but my fragile ones are locked up until they're a bit older. Your shelf is EXACTLY what I'd love to do with them!

  2. Great project with beautiful results, Wendy! I love that it's made with shells that you all've made a memory framed within a memory. ;)
