Saturday, July 31, 2010

Papaws are good for...

Little Bear stories...

"Pit Pat Pit Pat...What was that??"

Fresh-baked blueberry muffins, topped with butter and cinnamon & sugar.
MmmmmCroquet-playing in his big backyardSee the garden behind NatureMan? Want a closer look?

Amazing, huh? Papaw planted late in the year,

and is having amazing results with his raised beds!

More croquet-playing...

Ladybug catching...

Apple-pie baking, and sharing...

And so many other things.
I'm so thankful to have Papaw living here. So thankful that my kids can grow up seeing him every day. So thankful for the memories we have, and the ones we are making.

1 comment:

  1. How special for your kids to be able to spend so much time with Papaw!

    On my blog post - you can vote for Eunice B (not sure how the others snuck in there).

