Sunday, August 1, 2010

Paper Doll Crafting Party, Take1

I was invited to an awesome little crafting party, and the theme this month was Paper Dolls.
Check out some of my friends' results:
Beautiful glitter and butterfly wings, leaf tank top and flower skirt (gathered pink ribbon,) and a tiny basket with a single blackberry. Adorable. She is standing on petrified wood, with lichen and a real toadstool.

For this one, the sweet lady sewed the quilt square that is being used as the skirt and crocheted the tiny hat and shawl herself!

Closer detail:
Next up, the 4th of July doll
She is beautiful.
Sam tinted the color in her face lightly, and embellished her fabric dress.
(that is antique lace) Detail:
Then two ladies made beautiful Halloween decorative doll hangings:

I love the old pictures, and her use of buttons!
So cute!

Three sisters.
Here are a couple of mine. I actually made a lot. When the theme was announced, I started looking for ideas, and became inspired to go several directions with it. I'll post the others soon.
The green box in the center is a lipstick case that my Mimi had given me.
detail:Inside: And, of course, the picture is of my Mimi. The baby is my daughter.

My next one is a bit more modern, whimsical, unusual...
detail: So much fun!! I LOVE being around other crafty people.
If you're not part of a crafting group, start one!
Surround yourself with people who encourage you, and you can encourage in return.
Let those creative juices flow.
Choose themes that will stretch you.
Have fun!


  1. I *love* these, Wendy! The detail and the whimsy...perfection!

    The personal details that you created in your Mimi doll were precious.

    This has definitely got my creative juices flowin'!

  2. Wendy, I love all your photos and creativity. Love you, Mommer rommer
