Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stenciled Skirt

I bought this awesome gray t-shirt fabric skirt at a yard sale, even though it was two sizes too big. Wish I'd taken a before picture.
I cut the strips shorter, so it would fall just below my knee, tightened up the waist band, and decided to stencil black leaf patterns on the fabric folds.

Love, love it. It works with heels or knee-high black boots. I'm afraid I would look much too short wearing this style with flats.
Proof that you can stencil almost anything!

Yep, just wearing knee-high black flowered socks in this picture.
Pictures courtesy of my 9-year old NatureMan. Thanks, kid.


  1. CUTE idea...I love it. Cute shoes too...nice legs:) Ok nuff compliments for one day. HA...thanks for stopping over.

  2. Ha- Debbie! Why, thank you. I did shave before the picture. It's never good to photograph monkey legs. ;)

  3. Stunning! Wenders, I want to learn from you! I have all these ideas but no idea how to execute them.

    (Have you considered trying out for project runway?)
