Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall Picture Sampling

We decided to scout out the area where we'll take our "official" fall pictures later this month, for Christmas cards.

Love, love the old buildings, peeling paint, ancient doors, bridges...

Papaw, with four of his great-grandchildren!

I'm telling you, I think he has almost as much energy as they do!


  1. Those are SO GORGEOUS!! I can't even handle 'em.

  2. What a beautiful family you have! Your kids are angelic looking and I really love your location!

    Thanks so much for the comment you left me too- I appreciate you taking the time to do it- I know you are a busy lady. I am just in awe of all you are able to do!!!

  3. These are great, great, great. I'm madly in love with this season and the photo ops. Would you be interested in taking some pictures of me and Ran soon? Oh, and they're all stunning, but Izzy is amazingly photogenic! Everything she's in is frameworthy!

  4. I don't even know how you will decide which one to use! they are all lovely!

  5. Thanks, ladies!

    Amy, absolutely! I'm no pro, but I'll do my best. You and Ran are super photogenic anyway! :)
    And, yes, Isabelle is gorgeous. What can I say-- it's in her genes. ;)
