Sunday, October 3, 2010

To the tracks we go

TheArtist is not only an artist, but also an extremely obsessed-with-horses little girl. From birth. Some kids might as well have just popped right out on a saddle.

When she was tiny and called everything "hosey," I thought it was just a cute little stage that all toddlers go through. Little did I know that, at age 11, she still points out every horse as we drive by. And draws horses, collects Breyers, daydreams about "her farm," reads horse novels, and writes horse novels. Yes, truly obsessed and proud of it.

We've been super blessed to receive weekly horseback riding lessons, as a free gift, from a friend. Oh, my, it's been amazing. Fred and I are also looking for other ways to nurture this little girl's dream.

Today we drove to Will Rogers Downs in Claremore, to see the horse races. So, yes, we took our kids to the tracks. On a Sunday, no less.

TheArtist had never been to one before, and she LOVED it.

I'd say it was a great experience for all of the kids.

Each time we'd guess which horse would win.

Mine consistently lost. I'm not a "lucky" person.

NatureMan and TheArtist took turns winning.

LittleLad and Dash watched, whined about concessions, and rolled around on the grass.

Very neat. I don't know how the jockeys can stand to have their legs up so high!

Then we headed home-- bleh. Fussy kids, and Fred & I were both tired. We stopped for some food, and there was a BUG in my salad. No thank you.

I got my money back, and decided to go hungry, rather than order something else. ;/

So, back in the van.

I usually bring some kind of sewing or sketch pad with me (unable to just sit still.) Today I only had a mini-notebook in my purse.

So I drew my shoe, for lack of a better subject. Sketching with the pen laying on my middle finger is completely new to me. Try swapping around your grip, and you'll see.

I'm adjusting.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful and exciting thing to do1 I have never thought of it. We live out in the country and (I'm sure your Artist would love it becasue of our neighbors who are- horses. And Olympic ones, many of them. A veternarian has a reigning (did I spell that right?) facility (whatever that is- maybe you know) across/in our front yard.

    We go and feed them sometimes when they come down here and actually saw a colt being born this past Spring.

    And so wonderful of your friend to give her lessons!
