We had one of those rough mornings that happen occasionally.
A certain child, who shall remain unnamed, was bound and determined to crack me.
But I prevailed. And he had a nap. ;)
I've realized it's often the little things that I let affect me the most. When my husband was without a job, I was hopeful. When the kids were littler, and one went through ear infection after ear infection, surgery, speech therapy....I was hopeful. I believed he would get better. And he did.
But when a child is having a meltdown day...or when I'm stuck in traffic and running late to an important appointment... those are the times when I am more likely to forget my joy. As a reminder ( at least until it rains) I wrote out a little note for my driveway:

Maybe Abraham Lincoln said it best, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Amen, dude. Amen.
At our house we say 'It's just a bug on the wall.' when we get stressed about something. My husband has said it to me since I've met him. In other words, tomorrow, will I even remember the bug I noticed on the wall? In the span of our lives this stressful thing is so small really.
Living with disease every day has made so many stressful things less important. I don't worry about them nearly as much as I used to. I'm late for an app? - I can't get there faster so just I just get there. My furniture is old & ragged? It really doesn't matter when someone I love is so sick.
Thanks for the reminder! :o)
That is a great reminder...
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