Saturday, July 31, 2010
Papaws are good for...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Do-It-Yourself Frame
I bought this blank cardboard-ish frame at Hobby Lobby. You could also get a cheap one at Dollar Tree or a yard sale, for the same purpose.
The photo is of the day that we gathered most of our shells, right after the storm surge of Hurricane Alex.
Horse-themed pre-teen party
Did you see that title? PRE-TEEN. Yes, it's an official description for my daughter now. She is 11...but not going on 18. My precious girl is sweet, innocent... still naive and natural. She doesn't have any interest in the latest bands or fashion trends. She couldn't care any less about make-up or jewelry. She has never been interested in baby dolls or Barbies. Her one true passion-- horses-- has retained its hold since she was old enough to say "hosie."
I let her plan this party herself, choose the colors, invite the kids she plays with. She didn't want to dress up. Okay. That's fine. She wanted to draw the horse for the pin-the-tail game. Great! She wanted to decorate with her own collection of Breyers, horse books, signs. Sounds perfect. She wanted to play Pony-opoly, have a horse quiz, have time to use the Playroom upstairs, and eat cake. Love it.
It was a small, sweet party. She invited 7 kids.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Father's World kindergarten and preschool

Monday, July 26, 2010
Nature Notebook
We're Charlotte Mason lovers around here, so "living books," art and nature study are a big deal to us. A friend and I were recently discussing our plans for Nature Notebook times. It has proved difficult to find a suitable nature art journal. It needs to have blank pages, be large enough to draw and paint pictures, and add observations, and be spiral bound, so it can be laid flat. Spiral bound ones are hard to come by. I've decided to go back to using a binder for this purpose. It might work better for the kiddos to remove pages while they draw or paint. Watercolor often warps paper (especially when little ones use too much water!), but if you wait until it dries, and then press it between the pages of a large book, it becomes sturdy and flat again, and you can add it back into the binder.
This is great for impromptu Nature Notebooking, also. When we're out hiking, I always have my handy pack with me, with extra paper and pens, binoculars, camera, etc. If the kids decide to sketch and label, I can just punch holes when we get home and add it into the Nature Notebook, to save and study.
A shell found at South Padre.
I'm curious what others have used for this purpose. Any other ideas?
Does the idea interest you?
The first time I read Charlotte Mason's biography, I knew it was the way for us. With so many options and curriculum choices now, it's a huge burden off of me to have this path laid out.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Cooking Club: Greek theme
I know I've mentioned cutting down on social calls and activities... however, I'm not ready to give up Cooking Club. Not only do I enjoy cooking, but it benefits my family when I gain extra experience.
Lamb gyros with tzatziki, stuffed grape leaves, bread with dip (oil, balsamic vinegar, herbs), tomatoes, Greek dressing with bread, Greek salad, two kinds of wine, and baklava!
I discovered a wonderful little meat market in the next town over, on the way to my sister's house. Lo and behold, they had lamb! Better yet, I got it for $6/lb, which is not at all bad for great lamb meat.
I followed this recipe, which really took me most of the day. Plus, I decided to make baked Italian salmon and fried potatoes and onions for the Man and kids. Doesn't seem right to make a huge, delicious meal and then cart it off, leaving my family to fend for themselves. So, my day was spent almost entirely in the kitchen, aided by various "helpers." Thankfully, my kids actually enjoy peeling potatoes, washing herbs, and using the mixer. (I know the day may come when it loses it's "specialness" for them, so I'm trying to savor this.)
If you're interested, start your own Cooking Club! The one we have going has 7 people. The line-up rotates: main dish, appetizer, drinks, alternate, fruit or veggie side dish, bread, dessert. If someone drops out or moves away, then we decide who to initiate into the group. The person who has main dish that month, is the hostess and picks the theme. I was hostess this month, and chose a Greek theme. It's a lot of fun, and helps us branch out, and try new things.
Brittany, Megan, me, and Tracy
And, from the other side: Tracy, Rochelle, Julie, Brittany (with Ramsey), and Megan
Hope yours was a fun weekend!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
On Divorce of a Christian
One of my dear, dear friends is in a bad situation, and has been for nearly 10 years. She's been ignored, emotionally abused, insulted. She was abandoned for over a year-- and I mean abandonment in the full sense of the word. Her husband left. Moved out. Provided zero financial assistance, and very little correspondence. There were vague promises to return "sometime soon." For me, that would have been the straw that broke the camel's back.
Gosh, no, who am I kidding? The second, third, fiftieth time that her husband left on a Friday and failed to return for days, or even call... I would have changed the locks.
Just being honest.
Love does not mistreat and abuse. Love does not intentionally cause pain. That is not love.

Like me, my friend is a Christian. Unfortunately, she is married to a man who has never professed any kind of faith. He holds himself to no "rules" or morals. And, c'mon, even unbelievers can hold themselves to standards and be good spouses. Unbelief should not be used as an excuse for rotten behaviour. And I do hear that argument quite often, "oh, well, he's unsaved, so how can we expect anything different?" Hogwash. I've known many non-Christians who were intelligent, respectable people.
My bone is that supposedly well-meaning Christian friends comment in passing that they will pray for her... that she should stay "because that's what the Bible says," and then they carry on their way. They don't see the damage, the destruction, the aftermath of the storms. They didn't see a woman sobbing for days, weeks, years. They didn't watch this woman crying out in labor, whose husband had just left to catch a plane for a party (YES, while she was in LABOR.) They don't see the children who are growing up fatherless...but emotionally abused when he is actually in the picture.
Here's the kicker. He says he doesn't want a family anymore. He's not "in love" anymore. He wants to leave.
What does the Bible say about this? Well-meaning Christian sites, like Got Questions, quote 1 Cor 7, to back up their Stay Married Advice:
"12To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not
a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13And
if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with
her, she must not divorce him. 14For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified
through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her
believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they
are holy. "Ah, yes.
But the next verse has been conveniently left off:
"15But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing
man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in
peace. "
Her husband wants to leave. For crying out loud people, give the woman sound advice: LET THE MAN LEAVE. Give her no guilt trips. No superficial comments. Offer good advice or no advice at all. Never guilt someone into staying in a bad relationship, if you can't possibly know the devastation of the family.
Though by no means God's desire "from the beginning," it will likely be best for all concerned if he does leave. Scripture gives room for this. God's heart is for us. For our protection.
We can't be legalists with the law. How biased and prejudiced can people get?
Some people will believe and push anything but the text, and "a text without a context is a pretext."
My heart breaks for this woman and her children. And my blood boils when I hear others encouraging her to stay, endure, and "do the right thing." Doesn't she deserve a chance at a normal life? Should she worry every day about whether her husband is even coming home? And if he'll be sober when he does? Does she need the credit card debt piling up on her, when she has been the only breadwinner for years, sometimes working 2 or 3 jobs to pay the bills? Should she try to make a man stay, who says that he wants to leave?
Now, really stop and pray for her. For the kids. My prayer is that the man will either shape up or ship out. God is in the business of performing miracles... but He doesn't change people without their willingness. Saul had a rude awakening and some convincing signs, but ultimately he had to open his heart, before God would work that metamorphosis in his life.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Family Week
Sooo, I suppose I'll resort to my quick recaps again, rather than the topical post I was planning to write.
I told you about our awesome, amazing, burned-forever-in-my-mind vacation. This was a BIG deal for our family. Seeing as how we're below the poverty line, and we waited 13 years to take a family vacation, we're just thrilled about how long and perfect it was. More later on how all of that was possible for us.
San Antonio River Walk
My Artist uses all of her free time to write stories, draw pictures, and research horses. She is extremely self-motivated and helpful. Great for me that she is the oldest child!
This was just a family celebration. Her little friend party will be in a week or so.
Little brothers worked diligently, without being reminded, and made their sister cards. My Nature Boy even saved his piece of candy, from the day before, to put inside of her birthday card. It's moments like that that melt my heart.
After the little party, Mom and Dad came over to play with the kids, so Fred and I could go to their house and have a game night with my sisters and their hubs. Amy and Vu brought Ransom along. We brought The Artist with us, so she could play some games before bed.
Then today, after church, we went to Papaw's house for lunch. Papaw is something of a protege in the kitchen. Mimi trained him well, and he has taken over the task with an enthusiastic diligence that she would be proud of. His Summer Garden Pasta was fabulous today (served with fresh sour dough bread, and pineapple bran muffins for dessert.)

And then we came home & filled up the little pool in the front yard. Seeing as how there are heat advisories here for temps up to 105-110 degrees, I'm only letting the kids outside if they are in water. After a day of being mostly cooped up, this was welcome relief.