Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Teaching Greater Than > Less Than
Monday, November 29, 2010
Paper trees
Anyone wonder why we have Christmas trees? After all, the season is about the birth of Christ... and I've never seen any Evergreens shown in the nativity scene.
I look it up every year, it seems.
"The origin of the Christmas tree is obscured by uncertainties of oral histories
of pre-literate European cultures. For example, according to Christian lore, the
Christmas tree is associated with St Boniface and the German town of Geismar.
Sometime in St Boniface's lifetime he cut down the tree of Thor in
order to disprove the legitimacy of the Norse gods to the local German tribe.
St. Boniface saw a fir tree growing in the roots of the old oak. Taking this as
a sign of the Christian faith, he said "...let Christ be at the center of your
households..." using the fir tree as a symbol of Christianity."
The tradition of the Christmas tree as it is today known is fairly young. It was established by Martin Luther as a Protestant counterpart to the Catholic Nativity scene. Luther established the Christmas tree as a symbol of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden."To read more... Christmas Tree- Wikipedia
We made simple scrapbook paper trees,
decorated with buttons and sequins.
Must show a pic, too, of our lovely mostly-pregnant Cooking Club
They've been growing since last month! Here are 4 of the 6 pregger CC ladies, lined up by due date (and height!)...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Giving Thanks & Making Felt Flower Headbands!
On Black Friday we avoided the stores, as if they were a plague, and gathered at Mom and Dad's house, with my sisters and their families for the big event. The meal was amazing! Thank you, Mom, for so much hard work and incredible food.
Excuse our bad manners.
(Green beans hanging from my mouth, and turkey from Fred's. mmmm) Then off to the park.
It was freeeeezing, but they ran off some energy and went back a bit calmer.
Plus it gave the guys some football bonding time. ;)
And now, because this is super-long-post-time, I'll go ahead and share my felt flower projects. While Fred and I watch movies at night, I do laundry and then sew.
It's our evening routine lately.
jackets, headbands, shoes, what have you.
This is the one I'm wearing to Cooking Club tonight.
Ta Ta, my dears! Hoping and praying that your household stays warm and safe,
full of thanks and joy,
creativity and excitement!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Thanksgiving Turkey
My kids started off with things like, "I clean the house for my mom a lot..."
Monday, November 22, 2010
Leaf Man...and woman, bird, cow, duck, bugs, horse...
A sweet, sweet friend of mine made some awesome leaf crafts with her kids, based on a book she had. For the life of me, I can't remember what that book is, but the idea inspired me!
Thanks, Jennifer!
Soooo, we found and checked out Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. Love, love it!
The pictures are fabulous, and it's very subtle about encouraging kids to do their own crafts.
She knows how to manipulate the masses, in a good way. ;)
We read it through twice, and then the kids were ready to go out and hunt for beautiful leaves. I gave them each a ziploc to fill up, and we met back at the table 10 minutes later.
Yes, I'm letting my kindergartner work on crafts, shirtless, in November.
The Artist's horse
of course.
NatureMan's faces
Check out the book! One more library book to keep up with, but you won't be sorry.
At the back, the author has identified many different leaves-- more learning to be had-- which means this counts towards science as well as art and reading. :)
Every day, every activity, every conversation and book...
they absorb it all! Make it fun and memorable!
PS There's a blog, that I've enjoyed in the past, all about crafts based on books. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I can't find it!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monster Dolls

This is Cheryl... my Mom.
We affectionately call her "Woman"
(as in Superwoman, naturally)
This is The ArtistChild's favorite toy ever. One of mine, too.
Who says grown-ups don't need toys?!
Love Big Lipped Betty, below.
And, below, is Hungry. His brother, who very much resembles him, is named Silly.
My kiddos are constantly correcting me, when I mix the two up.
Yes, a boy's dream come true.