I know I've been relatively quiet lately. There are so many things in life all the time to think about, write about, deal with, enjoy.
I've been coming to grips with the fact that I'm only in control of me. I can pray and be careful, but I can't absolutely control whether or not I have physical problems. I can do my best to be patient and kind to others, but I can't control how they perceive me. I'm not perfect, what can I say? And, even if I serve healthy foods to my kids, I can't actually make them swallow it, if they choose not to. This hasn't been a battle lately, but we've dealt with it in the past.
We've had some ups and downs lately. The best thing that has happened lately is our new-found church home. I just can't describe the peace and joy I feel now, being fed God's Word in a body of believers that is so open, kind, genuine. Emotional worship may fade. Programs come and go. But the Word of God stands firm and strong always. A church built on that cannot falter. I'm so happy to be there!!!! (I also love the music! A church that sings 2-3 heartfelt songs--without repeating the chorus 50x--and then they preach God's WORD-- WOW!)
Our family has been going through some health challenges lately. Not my kids, but my sisters... and maybe me, too. They tend to deal with these struggles better than I do. I believe, for the most part, that knowledge is power. So I look everything up: every medication, symptom, treatment option. Then I get thoroughly scared before I have the sense to turn it over to God and pray about it. Maybe I should start with prayer, huh? Something along the lines of "God, let me find what will be beneficial for me to know, and information that I should use."
Oh, and another UP is that Mothering Matters has started back up. I truly do love this ministry of women mentoring each other, gathering together to pray for and encourage each other. I was pretty intimidated about being a care group leader this year, but I'm hoping that my group will treat me with grace while I tried to lead the discussions. I'm not used to this, and I've never been a public speaking kind of gal! (My husband might disagree, heh.) Our theme is butterflies to represent transformation (courtesy of Mrs. Smiley,) so let me know if you have any craft/ food/ decor ideas that could go along with that theme!
On a side note, I painted all the doors in my house. Yes, I realize this is random news. Still, it's NEWS for me. Little Lad's door is green and blue striped. The Artist's is green with huge pink polka dots, Mine is green with white flowers, the bathroom door now has black branches painted on it. Pictures coming soon. I think painting is so therapeutic!!