Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pillow Case Skirt

Who could resist such a challenge??

I'm all about skirts, you know. Besides being way more comfortable than jeans, skirts are fun to twirl, and make me feel more "at home" with myself. This is who I am. I love to dress up, love to try new things, and love to alter or create anything I can get my hands on.

I made the last skirt from upholstery fabric. Yes, indeed, I did.

Tonight I was looking for a plain skirt to alter. It seems that I don't actually own a plain jane skirt, but there was a pillowcase folded on the couch. The lowly white pillowcase needed a makeover.

And so the fun begins...

Cut off bottom, closed end. Cut a slit in the top hem, and thread elastic through.

Cut up strips of anything you want to use. I thought I'd use another pillow case, but then saw this lace curtain and gauzy yellow fabric. Gather material and sew on. I didn't bother to hem or measure. This is a fun, easy skirt...meant to have a slightly messy, uneven look just-for-the-heck-of-it. Easy, fast. Sewing while watching movies is double the pleasure. I get relaxing time with the Man, while also getting my Craft On.

Trying it on, before sewing up the top.

I do need to at least clip the threads off!! And possibly wear a shirt that semi-matches, instead of my tankini.

So many skirt ideas, so little time.

Linking Back to:

make it wear it

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Taking Delight

These have just been good days. Nothing big has happened, but life just seems to be coasting smoothly along, with all of us enjoying each other.

I've made it a point to slow my life down. Too much outside activity stresses my Man, which stresses me, which stresses the kids, (I'm sure...though they show it through bickering and other misbehavior.)

We've been over-socialized for some time. I'm learning to step back, to say no, to allow other people the opportunities that I believe I needed to take, whether it be teaching Sunday School or being a volunteer coordinator. Enough for now. Too much of a good thing is a burden on me, and on my family.

These last few beautiful days have been slow, perfect, tranquil. These are the times that I always want to remember:

Little Lad brought his big brother a favorite book. Nature Man immediately stopped what he was doing, and sat down to read it to the little guy. Awwwww....

Nature Man has been finding more 4- and 5-leaf clovers than I thought existed. He comes in with handfuls all the time. I love his observation skills and attention to detail. Nothing escapes him.

Even the naughtiness of a 3-year old became such a cute moment. He pushed his brother in the pool and had to sit in Time-Out. Oh, the drama.

He quickly forgot about his sour mood, and tried to "wrap his toes up for presents." Almost unbearably cute!We went to the park-- just me and the kids. This is so rare; we always meet friends for playdates, but this time I wanted to fully focus on the kids. Right away, a bunny crossed our path. The Artist Girl stopped to point it out to her little brothers. Another "awww' moment for me.

Taking silly pictures outside with the kids, as they swam in their little pool.

i just love them all

I've been trying to stay home more in the evening, too, which the Man loves. We watch movies together while I sew or craft. Whipped this up last night:
Excuse the unpressed seams and unclipped threads. I was in a rush to snap the picture and head to bed before midnight. Do you recognize the material? It's upholstery fabric that was being used as a curtain under the TV to hide my electronics in the living room. ;-) It needed a new purpose, and I'm happy with the results.

I hope we all have a chance to slow down, relax, and enjoy these summer days. Childhood goes by way too fast. Enjoy the chubby toes, innocent awe, splashing, giggles...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Live above the norm

I'm not content to be average. Imagine a world in which every person strives to be the best version of himself.
Live above normalcy, complacency, resignation.
Truly live, love deeply, create daily
Become purposeful and inspiring
Bless & Encourage Others
Be who you are
Praise God

Summer is made of...

Watermelon Eatin' ...


Sprinkler Playin'...

Playground Expandin'...

Chess competin'...

Story Snugglin' ...

Berry- Growin' ...

...Kinda Fun!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting Geared Up for Summer

I've over-scheduled myself yet again, and must prune back some activities. Like most crafty people, I need the time to create. My whole life feels better balanced when I can paint, sew, and craft several times a week, particularly with the kids. Makes sense that such a creative God would give his children the desire to create also.

Sooo, in an attempt to boost my motivation and get in the crafting spirit, I've been looking back through some past projects:

The modge podged lamp

Painted Wooden Plates

Jean apron (tank top and shorts underneath!!)

My first etsy sale: the red swirly apron

Tutu/ Fairy skirts for my Girl

First acrylic painting on a book

Desk, Before
Desk, After Okay, I'm getting pumped!
PS I had started a separate art site, but decided that our lives are completely integrated with art, and to compartmentalize was futile. So, I've officially changed the name of this site to Living Creatively (former art site title.) You are still in the right place!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Attending the ballet

My days (and nights) have been booked!
Last night we attended the Cinderella ballet. Just beautiful!!
It was rather difficult to get photos from the fourth row, and without a flash, but here are a few: There are more performances of it tomorrow. Go if you can!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Trying to jump back on the Sketch Book wagon

Basic, quick "from-life" sketches with the kids today. I'd like to start adding watercolor to pictures, as time allows.
We've been working on mini-books and homemade tags, cards, too.
Stay tuned for more art and activities.

Featured here, under Pen and Ink.