I've gone all deep on you lately. How are you holding up? ;)

Several friends (like SuzanneP, Ellen, my sisters, and other friends/family who don't blog) inspired me to lower my guard, tear down some bricks, and share my thoughts. As much as I enjoy sharing crafts and school activities, I was feeling trapped within my own space. The filter was always there, for fear of ...the unknown, I guess. How would people respond if I "let it all hang out"? Would I make sense, blogging a stream of consciousness?
After some serious thought about the people who inspire and challenge me, I decided that it's as much a responsibility to share as it is a desire. How can I possibly make any difference at all, if I'm hiding behind my surface-level-shield. Even if the difference I make comes from someone disagreeing and therefore thinking about and explaining their own beliefs...well, at least I've done something possibly worthwhile. Does that make sense?
I do believe that encouraging moms to spend time with their kids, prepare crafts and school activities is very worthwhile. I just think we can go deeper still. And, if we're really going to be good parents, we must go deeper. Right? Right.
Yeah. Okay.
Lots of self-examination going on.

Psalm 144:3
LORD, what are human beings that you care for them,
mere mortals that you think of them?

(not entirely happy with my "mirror," but -hey- it's in ink. And you get the point.)
my last drawing and verse might need some more explanation? At least, as much as I can do with words. When I drew it I was thinking about Gal 5:1, but also about Romans 3:20: no one has been, or ever will be, declared righteous by observing the law. Rules for the sake of rules -psha (
Matt 12, for example.) Modern day "rules" are a bit different, but the point is that we can get so tied up in legalism about things that
so do not matter, and we forget about our soul and all the souls around us! It's like asking "why isn't he wearing a tie to church," while being completely unaware that the man is wrestling with life-changing catastrophes.
On the flip side, I'm not promoting "tolerance"(by the world's definitions) of Wrong, as if there is no Truth. I was just thinking about how "true tolerance" means that, despite our differences, we need to treat every person with the dignity and respect they deserve, as people also created in God's image. We act mercifully to those who believe differently, rather than hit them over the head about how they're dressing, what they're eating or drinking, how they worship, or whatnot. Yeah, let's focus on the soul. No more getting tied up to a Pharisaical law.
And all those words probably didn't clear anything up.
ah, well. I tried.
My next "Bible study" drawing. Brings new meaning to meditating on His Word. I keep my train of thought better when drawing, and have to really examine what I believe, how I feel, and how it should be put into practice...
I know. You can't tell what I'm drawing.
I'm such a tease.
You'll see soon enough. I'm not done yet.