See the theme? Family, boyish, crafty, school stuff...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
See the theme? Family, boyish, crafty, school stuff...
Friday, January 27, 2012
A few of my favorite things from the week
During rainy days, early evenings, chilly mornings before school, we spent time playing Mancala. It's a fun little counting/strategy game, and can easily be made with an egg cartoon and beans.
Enjoyable for all ages, but makes especially great math practice for preschoolers.
See, even the 4th grader likes it. (How can he possibly be in 4th grade already??)
We also took turns playing Rush Hour. Love that game, and the various skill level cards make it great for the whole family.
I've been squeezing in art times with the kids around lunch, and again by myself in the evening, when the house is quiet and no one calls for me. This little sharpie sketch was inspired by another artist...a picture I glanced at on Pinterest and now can't find again. Go figure.
My cat, Calvin. This dude knows how to reeeeelax.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Cheese Making

It.was.delicious. Like really truly amazingly delicious. I added basil to mine.
In other news, although I haven't taken much time to blog lately, I HAVE been doing art whenever I can, usually with the kids in the afternoon or late at night. The other day I made some little clay figures with Sculpey, oven-bake clay. These are about 3" tall. I haven't painted them yet, but I will soon, and then I'll hide them around the house, as little surprises for whoever spots them.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Doodly Thought Art
Do you ever feel so busy, that you decide to sit and do nothing? That's how I've been feeling lately. And it's NOT that I've been overly busy (well, not any more than usual,) but that my mind has been overworking lately. I figure that's typical when major life changes are taking place all around me. Just hoping it's all finalized and over with soon.
We did finish the fish unit last week, and I'll post more about that soon. We've started on a bird unit this week. The unit studies are helping us all crawl out of our rut, and get the excitement back. Post-Christmas months can feel like withdrawal from a mountain-top experience. Just need to get the bounce back in our step, and let the joy flow again.
I've made myself start drawing again, and can feel the juices flowing. Plus, when I draw, the kids want to draw with me. Great quality time, and encouragement of their talents.
Just had to get the pen moving, and I couldn't stop, page after's a feeling I love. A feeling, I imagine, that writers experience when the characters flesh out and start "moving on their own."
Just start.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Fish unit
We started a Fish unit this week. Sounds uber exciting, yes? Well, it is!
Our quote for Monday:
We worked on Japanese hanging koi (goldfish) and read about koi from Wikipedia. I'll post the pictures upon completion.
The kids made tangram seascapes...
Many of our writing prompts, mini books, our vocabulary list, and even the Bible verse suggestions we used are from Homeschool Share. That site is such an amazing resource!
The little boys sorted colored goldfish crackers... ...made patterns...
...used them as manipulatives for their addition problems, and then ate them. :)
We read Shel Silverstein's poem Fish, and wrote our own poems.
Tuna fish sandwiches (cut into fish shapes) for lunch.
T played this fishing addition game to go along with his math today.
We talked about the food chain. What do fish eat? Which animals eat fish?
We used the Melissa and Doug complete the picture fish bowl page, just for fun.
O played the aquarium game on Poisson Rouge, already one of his favorite sites.
The older kids finished strong, with their usual math lessons, and Papaw's history and Spanish lessons.
Last but not least, I added my own excitement by having my sister cut me some bangs when she stopped by. So many perks of having a sister who went to cosmetology school!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
21 questions to ask your kids
This is a meme from Facebook. I know I should answer it there, but I already neglect my blog too much as it is.
Copy this note, ask your kid the questions and write them down exactly how they respond. What do they really think?
For reference my kids are:
O (4-years old)
T (7-years)
E (10-years)
I (12-years, only girl)
1. What is something Mommy always says to you?
O: Sweetie
T: Sweetie Pie
E: Never (This is true. He asks me for a drink or something and I always respond "never," and laugh. I like to tease.)
I: Clean your room.
2. What makes Mommy happy?
O: When I kiss you.
T: When I give you pictures.
E: Coffee
I: Doing art
3. What makes Mommy sad?
O: Punching you (uhh, yeah, that would!)
T: When we are naughty
E: Fighting
I: The boys fighting
4. How does Mommy make you laugh?
O: kissing my cheeks
T: tickle us
E: Tickling
I: Playing games with us
5. What was Mommy like as a child?
O: a girl
T: girl
E: sweet kid
I: you loved dolls
6. How old is Mommy?
O: a lot old
T: 30
E: 31
I: 31
7. How tall is Mommy?
O: This high (he jumped with his hand up in the air)
T: almost as tall as the door
E: 6'7"
I: 5'5" (She's close-- I'm 5'6")
8. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?
O: Kissing
T: Hug
E: Drink coffee
I: Cheer people up (okay, I love all of these answers!!)
9. What does Mommy do when you're not around?
O: Clean up
T: Clean
E: Clean the house
I: Make things for us
10. If Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
O: Money
T: Money (hmm...could they not think of anything else?)
E: Art
I: Art
11. What is Mommy really good at?
O: Drawing
T: Drawing
E: Drawing
I: Making people happy
12. What is Mommy not very good at?
O: Crying
T: Putting me to sleep (??)
E: Not getting sick on a boat (I do get horribly motion sick)
I: Typing
13. What does Mommy do for her job?
O: Make us do school
T: school
E: pictures
I: Photography
14. What is Mommy's favorite food?
O: broccoli
T: soup
E: healthy stuff
I: salad
15. What makes you proud of Mommy?
O: do prizes (??)
T: you cleaning
E: she takes care of us
I: taking us fun places
16. If Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
O: a boy (??)
T: Black Beauty (??)
E: The Little Mermaid (when I asked why, he simply said, "she's a girl, and you swim well.")
I: Wendy in Peter Pan
17. What do you and Mommy do together?
O: Build blocks
T: hug
E: do art
I: arts and crafts
18. How are you and Mommy the same?
O: We're both cleanin' up rooms.
T: We both hug each other. We both have hair.
E: We're both human.
I: We both love to travel and do artwork.
19. How are you and Mommy different?
O: You have huge hair and I don't.
T: You have lipstick and I don't.
E: You have long hair and I have really short hair.
I: You like to clean and I don't.
20. How do you know Mommy loves you?
O: Because I have cheeks (this may need an explanation, no? I love love love to kiss this boys toddler cheeks!)
T: Because you always kiss me and hug me and everything.
E: You take care of us.
I: Because you say so. (interesting insight into their love language, perhaps?)
21. Where is Mommy's favorite place to go?
O: To Julie's house
T: In my room with me. Or going on a date with Daddy.
E: the beach
I: to an art museum
This was so much fun. The next interview will be all about THEM, their favorites, ideas... I want to keep doing this every year. :D
If you do it, please let me know!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Playing in the Kitchen
At her urging, I painted the "window wall" in the "breakfast room" (aka dining room, seeing as how I don't have a formal one here) a creamy tangerine color. Big change from the brownish purple color that wasn't working in there. I buckled down and finished it in a few hours, trim and all. It makes me HAPPY-- so bright, fresh, joyful.
...and my own little man decided that his GI Joes also needed a pool....
(great preK activity, btw. Kids love water!)
Friday, January 6, 2012
A Day in the Country

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
On the Fridge

Make a home that makes you smile.