Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thank you.
Garden Progress in late May
Remember my cinder block garden, shoe rack garden etc? It's time for a progress report.
Front flower bed. My friends on facebook helped identify these as Campanula 'Pink Chimes.'
Tomatoes and cauliflower in the veggie garden. Plus a missing frisbee. See it? I planted some heirloom tomatoes from seed (and they're about 5 inches tall now) but these Better Boy tomato plants were bought at Aldi's.
Chile peppers
And an update on the shoe rack plants!
and some other stuff, that I've now forgotten. ;)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Surrounded by twisters, twisting inside
Last night our small town opened storm shelters, sent out warnings and alerts. We took it seriously and went to my parents' house, with fun stuff packed for the cellar, if the sirens sounded. They did indeed sound, over and over. Tornadoes hit towns to our north and south...west and east. I kid not. Our little town was safe, but there is so much loss and destruction around us.
This was our street on Sunday night, during the first round of storms and tornadoes. It's tough to take decent photos at night, in the rain, while keeping the camera dry... but you can see that the cul-de-sac was full of water.
I'm teetering on how to feel. Part of me is so grateful, happy, blessed that we are safe, that there was no damage, that those I love are all okay. And then I feel almost guilty. My car is okay. But others lost their homes. Everything-- clothes, favorite toys, keepsakes, photos....
some people lost loved ones...children....
There's such a painful overshadowing of my joy.
And, when I was mulling this over, wanting to be joyful for the sunshine today, and my children running through puddles, laughter, raindrops on the flowers...
the ripping inside was painful.
How can I be so grateful, joyful while others are so torn?
I read my Bible and Ann, and that was soothing.
I know the pain calls us to action.
We can be grieving for others,
hurting for their pain,
and that propels us.
While still rejoicing for what God has done for us
in all of the big and little things each day
we pray that He can use us to help.
How have you fared through the storms?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
My way of life
I'm trying.
I'm trying to journal and/or sketch every day, even if that means a 10-minute slot when I'm a passenger in the car, or waiting for water to boil. A little sketch here, a little sketch there. It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. In fact, the imperfect holds character.
(yes, I'm going to start "signing" my pictures. A friend's photo was recently snagged without permission or the time has come to take a little precaution.)
Today I am thankful that I get to stay home with my kids
that God has somehow made everything work out
for the bills to be paid, the mortgage never late, all of our needs met
even if it doesn't look possible on paper
even when my husband has been looking for so long
I'm thankful for constant provision
I'm thankful to be a part of this
Learning, creating, bonding,
watching the light bulbs flicker on brilliantly.
What are you thankful for today?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
When we went to Lake Fayetteville a week or so ago, my middle boys got interested in the honeysuckle that was covering every tree and fence on the trail. (Never mind that it's also growing all over our back fence at home.) For the first time, they wanted to try it. YAY! Another thing I can share with my kids, from my childhood.
After showing them several times how to pinch at the bottom of the flower, and slowly pull the "thread" through to the end, pushing the nectar out the bottom, they got the hang of it... And stopped every five seconds or so to eat more honeysuckle.
Walt Streightiff
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friday, May 20, 2011
Pour Jons

My coffee lovin' friends had brought me fantastic cups of joe from Pour Jons in Siloam Springs, and I finally visited it myself about a week ago. And I've been three times since that first delightful trip...and will be there again in a few hours, with another friend. It has such a relaxing atmosphere, and so many nice touches, from the ladder-like bookshelves, to the glass dishes on the counter, to the low-hanging bulb lights. Not to mention the coffee. Oh ~ the coffee ~
And the brick. Oh, my. Can't forget the brick either.

Chai Latte, one of my new favorite drinks.

I'm trying to single-handedly keep them successful, with my raving reviews and repeated visits. ;)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Noni's dresser
A papered dresser!!
She's redoing her entire third floor in the colors of the painting.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Lake Fayetteville- another great playground
Anywho, we took the kiddos to one of the Lake Fayetteville playgrounds the other day. It was chilly (in mid-May!) so there were no other kids on the equipment. There were two structures-- one for the tots and one for older kids. All of my kids stayed on the larger one, though, and enjoyed their rip-roarin' hootin'-n-hollerin' game of tag.
I used to keep an old towel in my van, just to dry wet slides, but we had *just* cleaned out the vehicle to load all the bikes. Sorry, son!
The paved multi-use trail around Lake Fayetteville is 4.3 miles long. The soft surface natural trail is 5.5 miles long. After our playground time, we unloaded bikes and scooters, and rode over the dam, down by the lake, explored trails by foot, and then rode back again (pictures of all that in a later post.)
They were good and tuckered out by the time we headed home.
You know what they say, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing." Psha. I don't believe that. There IS bad weather and I can't stand being cold, however, we did make the best of it, and bundled up. It was in the 60's and I dressed in layers. Gah- I'd never survive in the north! ;)
I'm determined here in Arkansas, though, to beat the weather. We WILL go hiking, camping, caving, exploring. And we WILL enjoy every minute of it, by gosh (shaking fist at hovering clouds!)
Okay, Seriously. The weather should be back in the 80s by the weekend. I'll make it until then.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A little person with BIG personality
Speaking of beautiful, precious girls...
The other day I had my little niece and nephew over for a few hours while my sister studied for her finals. I try to leave art supplies out and available 24/7, and Miss Scarlett knows this. She always asks for some face paint and art time. YAY! A little girl after my own heart.
Owers, on the other hand, was much more interested in rough housing with all of my little boys, which was just fine. Also, why he is not in these artsy pictures. ;)
We used her foot prints as "stems and branches" and she painted on the flowers. Then we did her hand prints just because she wanted me to paint her hands. Naturally.

Little daughter and little niece, you both melt my heart!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Painting with flowers
1) Pick flowers, leaves, pieces of grass, stems, petals, any other nature items that you want...
2) Get your paint ready on a plate...a bit watery is fine. We used watercolors and a few acrylics.
3) Dip in paint, and press on your paper... Enjoy! :)